UnStuck 2.0 with Dr. Mcayla
Past Triggers never help us.
Future Triggers do!
When we are triggered the brain doesn't know the difference between past, present and future. Becoming grounded helps you control triggers in those present moments.
Now, you can take it a step further and develop new positive triggers to control your future circumstances in much the same way.
Triggers Can Get Us Off Track
Many will set personal or career goals that seem doable at one time however, later second guess themselves. The cause of this is our perceptions that change spontaneously and throw us off course. How we respond in every given moment depends on where we are standing which is why learning to be grounded is a crucial skill to learn.
What causes us to be ungrounded are triggers in which we all experience from day to day. When we're triggered we're not present, which causes our perception to become skewed.
As a result, fear, worry and self doubt stop us from ever reaching those once very do-able goals. Learning to be grounded allows us to re-position ourselves to get back on track but what if we could take this a step further?
While it is a fact that triggers associated from our pasts cause us to automatically respond in the present...
Triggers associated with the future
cause us to automatically respond too!
The brain doesn’t know the difference between the past, present and future. The majority of our triggers are associated to negative past material. This automatic wired in programming is for our survival and to avoid making the same mistakes.
The key is to create new triggers that are associated to positive future material however, this must be wired in because the brain prioritizes survival, not success.
And forming positive triggers are accomplished in the same way negative ones are formed which means working with the one area that is responsible for all of our automatic responses, your subconscious mind.
And before doubt enters into your mind let’s look at the logic and how easy this can be utilizing a cutting edge technique and an approach that I’ve personally used as a Certified E.M.D.R. Therapist and Mindset expert in the field of brain training to change 1000’s of lives in much the same way.
Unstuck 2.0 is a user interactive brain training program based on the concept of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (E.M.D.R.) that you will use to bypass unconscious roadblocks while you develop new positive triggers. As a result, when current associations are made within your environment you’ll automatically respond with the new desired response rather than the doubt, worry, second guessing and responses that typically keep you stuck.

UnStuck 2.0 will help you…
- Identify Mental Blocks
- Remove Self Doubt, Fear and Worry
- Dramatically Improve your Confidence
- Retrain your Brain to accept NEW possibilities
When you learn to “Master your Brain”...
You will begin to do things that are part of a powerful Self Defined Guideline.
You Will Discover ...
- The Wall – holds out the overbearing or consistent negative thoughts that you think about on a daily basis
- The Positive Installer – is pulling out the positive files that get buried under the negative ones
- The Tunnel – helps you look back to find the source of your beliefs
- The Fireball – helps you eliminate the random negative thoughts that come up when you present your brain with a new positive thought
- Bi-lateral Rainbow – allows your brain to go into a state, similar to REM sleep, to help you find solutions to problems
Here's What's Included in Unstuck 2.0
UnStuck 2.0 is an online Brain Training Program that includes audios, videos, worksheets, PDF’s and guided imageries to prep you for the final phase of this training which includes:
A one-of-a-kind Virtual User Interactive Program that you’ll use to
install Powerful Traits and eliminate Limiting Beliefs.
MODULE 1 - Meet Dr. Mcayla
In this module I’ll introduce myself, share my background and expertise and why I’ve dedicated my life to helping people just like you to move beyond those strict “Belief Guidelines” to reach your full potential.
MODULE 2 - Welcome: How This Program Works
In this module I’ll introduce myself, share my background and expertise and why I’ve dedicated my life to helping people just like you to move beyond those strict “Belief Guidelines” to reach your full potential.
MODULE 3 - Thoughts and Beliefs
This section covers how to extract the most value out of this program. I will cover every aspect of the program to prep you for the final installation phase and entering into the Virtual portion of UnStuck 2.0. You will also know what to expect with clear, simple instructions to give you the optimal success for your transformation.
MODULE 4 - Core Beliefs
Here you will start to identify core beliefs and understand which beliefs are causing you to remain stuck regardless of the many strategies you’ve tried in the past to change them.
MODULE 5 - Current Challenges
In this module we identify specifically YOUR negative beliefs and how you will use this exercise to remove them. Highlights Include:
- Tap into your most powerful traits by creating your own script based on your beliefs using the included worksheet in this module.
- Understand the key connection between past and current beliefs so you can avoid the trap of never reaching your full potential
MODULE 6 - Installation Safety Resources
In this module you will learn several specific exercises to help you feel at ease as you move forward during the powerful process of re-training your brain. Highlights Include:
- How to use journal style containment to gain clarity and release all the blocks and fears that stand between you and your ultimate goals
- Leverage the Centering Exercise to experience a true state of presence which means you can start a lifelong habit to building and strengthening your new found clarity
MODULE 7 - The “Contain It” Guided Imagery Exercise
A complete walk through of the powerful Contain Exercise that your brain will love doing. This module is all about Mastering Your Brain. Highlights Include:
- Learn how to contain the useless and repressing data that is in your brain, so you don’t have to fight against it all the time
- Master your brain by using container techniques that allow the re-wiring of new Positive Beliefs to form without the self sabotaging that causes most to de-rail.
- Develop controls that bring you full empowerment without having to resort to denial methods
MODULE 8 - Installation Preparation
You’ll learn an exact formula that integrates with the way your brain communicates and that you’ll need to retrain your brain.
MODULES 9-10 - Installation Worksheet & Final Prep
Here you will receive your final steps prior to your virtual program and installations so that you feel confident of what to expect moving forward. You will discover the crucial truth that is the reason so many people get stuck in their lives.
You’ll also dive into the traits that encompass happiness, wholeheartedness and success! Highlights Include:
- The powerful illusions that keep most stuck.
- And you’ll overcome your biggest challenges by installing the traits that will benefit your life specifically.
- Finally, you will begin prepping for your Virtual Program with specifics that fit your life so that you are fully prepared for the amazing changes that will occur.
- You’ll prepare to permanently remove the Negative Beliefs that reside in your subconscious as you move closer to the installation phase of your program.
MODULES 11 - Virtual Program
There are over 11 traits to install to help you overcome any challenge in your life including Courage, Motivation, Confidence, Self-Discipline, and many more…
What others have said about Unstuck 2.0
Christine Ryan
"I have been using Dr. Mcayla’s installations of courage and confidence. I was tired of letting my “not good enough emotions pop up out of the blue and something clicked in me. I don’t want to give someone else that power to keep me stuck! I felt accepted, confident and courageous. It was so surprising to me and yet so freeing!! Tonight I was free of the old messages and sadness. You can bet I’m sticking with these installations! Thank you thank you Un-Stuck 2.0!"
Dedra Gabriel Goodson
"Hi Everyone, I wanted to share my Positive Experience with Dr. Mcayla’s UnStuck 2.0 Program! As I worked through the workbook, I was surprised at one emotion and core belief that came through that process. The typical or normal triggers that would set me off did not affect me whatsoever. I felt accepted and at a total peace inside! Thank you Dr. Mcayla.
I hope everyone else is seeing and feeling similar results!"
“I took Dr. Mcayla’s advice and was able to retrain my brain, just like I was able to retrain any other part of my body and it was so freeing…
Learn how to re-train your brain and break free from the mental barriers sabotaging your Success once and for all…
Experience Dr. Mcayla’s Highly Acclaimed “UNSTUCK 2.0” Virtual Program based on the Concept of EMDR with Bi-lateral Visual Movements to install New Core Beliefs.